Our law firm
A family office
Pradel Avocats is a leading law firm in the field of occupational safety and health law
A family office
A family office
Our law firm
Key figures.
We are members of the Paris Bar and operate in the whole French territory.

Each year, we manage 20 000 cases of claims handling. From day-to-day hazards to crisis situations, our experience is unparalleled.


Each year, we plead 2 500 cases in front of French courts specialized in social security, labour, medical or tort law.


Each year, we deliver legal assistance and representation to firms throughout 100 inspection and tax authority investigations.

20 000

Each year, we manage 20 000 cases of claims handling. From day-to-day hazards to crisis situations, our experience is unparalleled.

2 500

Each year, we plead 2 500 cases in front of French courts specialized in social security, labour, medical or tort law.


Each year, we deliver legal assistance and representation to firms throughout 100 inspection and tax authority investigations.

Team member
Team member
Team member
Team member
Team member

Pradel avocats handles cases in OSH and social security law. We are a team of 8 attorneys-at-law, 7 lawyers and 2 MDs.


Camille-Frédéric Pradel, Ph. D., is attorney-at-law.

Camille-Frédéric is a former manager of the French OSH administration. Today, as a conselor, he sets the gold standard when in comes to tax controls and OSH compliance.


Covid-19 : adaptation des délais des visites médicales par les SST
Aperçu rapide
JCP S 2020-148

Covid-19 : adaptation des délais des visites médicales par les SST

Arrêt maladie et obligation de repos
Relations individuelles
JCP S 2013-1111

Arrêt maladie et obligation de repos


Virgile Pradel, Ph. D., attorney-at-law, has graduated from Sciences-Po Paris and ESCP Europe

He delivers counsel to firms willing to prevent workplace hazards.


Cass. 2e civ., 15 juin 2017, n° 16-14.901 : lien entre la MP et le travail en cas de faute inexcusable
Protection sociale
JCP S 2017-1271

Cass. 2e civ., 15 juin 2017, n° 16-14.901 : lien entre la MP et le travail en cas de faute inexcusable

Cass. 2e civ., 31 mai 2018, n°17-19.340 : précisions sur le contentieux de l’indu T2A
JCP S 2018-1271

Cass. 2e civ., 31 mai 2018, n°17-19.340 : précisions sur le contentieux de l’indu T2A


Perle Pradel-Boureux, Ph. D., is attorney-at-law.

Perle manages with skill critical situations caused by workplace hazards. She is also commited to defending MDs controlled by the French welfare system.

Our law firm
Our law firm
Our law firm

Phds, Super specialized experts… This law firm sets the highest bar.

La prévention des addictions au travail
JSL 05-24

La prévention des addictions au travail

La CRA et l’obligation d’information de l’employeur
JCP S 1133

La CRA et l’obligation d’information de l’employeur

Réorientation du contentieux de la tarification vers la Cour d’appel d’Amiens
JCP S 1290

Réorientation du contentieux de la tarification vers la Cour d’appel d’Amiens

Prévenir les risques des PFAS au travail
JCP S 1197

Prévenir les risques des PFAS au travail

La Cour de cassation facilite la gestion des contentieux
JCP S 1194

La Cour de cassation facilite la gestion des contentieux

Guide du contentieux de la sécurité sociale 2023-2024
EAN 9782711039005

Guide du contentieux de la sécurité sociale 2023-2024

Réforme des retraites et prise en compte de la pénibilité
JCP S 2023-119

Réforme des retraites et prise en compte de la pénibilité

Contentieux de la sécurité sociale
Fascicule jurisclasseur
JCP S - Fasc. 790

Contentieux de la sécurité sociale

Licenciement et secret médical
JCP S 1219

Licenciement et secret médical

AT/MP : le contentieux de l’inopposabilité est enfermé dans un délai de prescription
JCP S 1311

AT/MP : le contentieux de l’inopposabilité est enfermé dans un délai de prescription

Our law firm

« Thanks to cutting-edge litigation techniques, Pradel Avocats has unparalleled results in OSH law. This law firm know everyone in the trade. »


Pradel Avocats is greatly appreciated for its efficient, swift interventions and its impeccable reporting system.

Pradel Avocats is notably the first law firm to craft a software approved by the French social security administration.

A reputed team advises a portfolio composed of major French firms, for matters regarding OSH law, taw law and compliance.

« The Firm is supervized by Michel Pradel and Camille-Frédéric Pradel, who are said to deliver a ‘high level of expertise and creativity, Perle-Marie Pradel-Boureux, whose responsiveness is greatly appreciated, and Virgile Pradel. »

« Pradel Avocats’ staff gathers an impressive number of PhD and renowned scholars, which consolidates the reputation of the Firm as a gold standard in the sector. »

This helped cement a business partnership with Bureau Veritas. Recently, the associates have been auditioned as experts by the French Parliament, during the preparation of bills regarding burn-out syndrome. Pradel Avocats has a 58-strong network of sollicitors troughout France, which allows an intervention anywhere in the country.

Our law firm

Over the past few years, Pradel Avocats and Bureau Veritas France have created a high-end hazard prevention program


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