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Heatwave: what does the law say about hot weather?
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V - 23 Aug
Heatwave: what does the law say about hot weather?

Pradel was interviewed by RTL about the regulations governing working conditions in very hot weather.

V - 2 Jun
Camille Pradel at Jean-Jacques Bourdin’s show

Wages / Laziness / Youth: How do you explain the labour shortage among seasonal workers? Bourdin talks to Alain Fontaine, President of the AFMR (Association Française des Maîtres Restaurateurs), Felix Bodoule-Sosso, Spokesperson for the FAGE and Me Camille Pradel.

V - 2 May
A significant statistical bias in counting accidents at work

On Radio Classique, Camille Pradel shows that counting accidents at work in France is based on rules specific to national law: unfortunately, European comparisons are meaningless.

V - 5 Jan
Round table on pensions: Pradel’s opinion

On Sud Radio, Camille Pradel takes part in a debate on pension reform, focusing on the thorny issue of arduous work and its consequences for employees’ rights.

V - 12 Oct
Camille Pradel at Bourdin

Faced with the current crisis, the leading journalist interviews Pradel Avocats to find out how companies can react. In the silence of the law, practical and benevolent solutions must often prevail!

V - 12 Oct
Pradel on Sud Radio

Patrick Roger asks Camille Pradel: what does employment law say when an employee runs out of petrol to go to work?

V - 19 Jul
Extreme temperatures: what can you do?

Labour law needs to be adapted. That’s what Virgile Pradel suggested on 19 July 2022 on France Bleu Paris: the Spanish are doing it right, why shouldn’t we?

V - 28 Apr
The biologists’ union questions Pradel Avocats

The biologists’ union calls on Pradel Avocats to advise it on what to do in the event of a professional accident in a laboratory.

V - 14 Mar
Pradel Avocats at France Culture

Camille Pradel talks to France Culture about the law of 5 August 2021 on health in the workplace and how to prevent employees from losing their jobs

V - 6 Feb
Pradel Avocats deciphers government action on Cnews

The Cnews channel seeks the opinion of lawyer Camille Pradel for a live deciphering of the government’s health policy.

V - 29 Jan
Response to France Inter listeners

On arrête pas l’éco, France Inter‘s flagship programme, seeks the advice of Pradel Avocats to answer the many questions asked by its listeners: can the company impose an FFP2 mask? Can it go beyond the rules laid down by law?

V - 17 Jan
The Vaccine Pass comes into force

The Vaccine Pass comes into force. Sud Radio calls on Camille Pradel for her expertise on the issue.

V - 31 Aug
Restrictions on teleworking

The end of the “minimum number of days” of teleworking set by the State in companies from Tuesday evening. What are the consequences for employees and their employers? Camille Pradel explains all on Sud Radio.

V - 12 Aug
Health pass: what are the risks?

Interviewed on Sud Radio, Camille-Frédéric Pradel deciphers the sanctions mechanism resulting from the health pass and compulsory vaccination.

V - 18 Jun
Can carers be forced to be vaccinated?

Live on BFM TV, Camille-Frédéric Pradel answers the question: can healthcare workers be forced to be vaccinated?

V - 6 Apr
Vaccination and decontamination

Camille Pradel is interviewed by TF1’s 8 o’clock news programme to talk about decontamination. Will a vaccination be required to go to a restaurant?

V - 22 Jan
Vaccination in the workplace

On BFM TV, Virgile Pradel explains how vaccination can be legitimised. Technical legitimacy: the occupational physician is the decision-maker. Social legitimacy: staff representatives are involved.

V - 14 Dec
Pradel Avocats on France Inter

On the “On arrête pas l’éco” programme on France Inter, Virgile Pradel is asked to answer specific questions from listeners.

V - 10 Mar
The key role of occupational medicine

On LCI, Mr Camille-Frédéric Pradel points out that occupational health physicians play a crucial role in managing health crises in the workplace.

V - 3 Mar
Companies fight against the Coronavirus

Sud Radio’s call to Camille-Frédéric Pradel: what are companies doing about the current epidemic? It’s a pressing question, and one that begs another: when will the public authorities set out clear guidelines for action?

V - 3 Mar
Public authorities and the Coronavirus

In the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, Camille-Frédéric Pradel talks to LCI about the effectiveness of public policies.

V - 3 Mar
Coronavirus and the right of withdrawal

On BFM TV, Camille-Frédéric Pradel explains the difficulties of implementing the right of withdrawal when faced with the risk of contamination.

V - 20 Nov
Interview on France Info: assessment of anxiety-related harm

For his November 2019 column, Dominique Verdeilhan invites Camille-Frédéric Pradel to provide an overview of the legal regime governing anxiety-related harm.

V - 25 Mar
Pradel Avocats interviewed by France Info

Questioned by Dominique Verdeilhan, Camille-Frédéric Pradel explains the law on preventing addictions in the workplace.

V - 17 Nov
Interview on France Info – Monitoring dangerous chemical agents

On 17 November 2017, Camille-Frédéric Pradel was interviewed live on France Info. Subject of the report: the disappearance of monitoring of dangerous chemical agents with the Macron ordinances of summer 2017.

V - 9 Oct
Pradel Avocats interviewed by the France 2 TV news channel on the monitoring of chemical agents

The ordinance reform of the Labour Code also concerns the monitoring of exposure to hazardous chemical agents. Against this backdrop, France 2 turned to Pradel Avocats for a legal perspective.

V - 5 Sep
Pradel Avocats – Interview on France Info – Endangering others

France Info’s “justice décodée” column asks Camille-Frédéric Pradel about endangering the lives of others.

V - 16 Jun
Interview with Pradel Avocats on France Info – Risky jobs

On 15 June 2017, France Info welcomed Camille-Frédéric Pradel to its legal column to describe the law applicable to high-risk positions

V - 21 Feb
Camille-Frédéric Pradel decodes burn out for Justice Décodée – France Info TV

Interviewed by journalist Dominique Verdeilhan, Camille-Frédéric Pradel sheds legal light on the treatment of burn out.

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